Vistaprint made a name for itself literally giving away its flagship product – business cards. Using a strictly direct response approach, Vistaprint created the category and dominated it, reaching $1B in 2012. But while the company enjoyed high scores on brand awareness, they knew that in order to command a larger part of the offline market, they would have to shift the business model. So Vistaprint moved from its transactional roots to a more customer centric model, necessitating a complete repositioning of the company.
Heading into 2014, with Creative Directors Dave Ball and Karen Bedard, we led the monumental task of translating our brand strategy into a new identity for Vistaprint – logo, voice, visual language, the whole shebang. Our goal? To give this brand the soul it has long been searching for.
After researching global identity trends and executing many logo design studies, we determined that a simply designed, dynamic identity would best set us apart in the competitive landscape, enhance our leadership in customization and personalization, and deliver against our brand strategy. And we just thought it looked cool.
Designed by Keith Manning, Dave Ball & TANK Design
Dynamic Logo Colors
As a leader in personalization, it seemed fitting that Vistaprint employees be given the choice of color, business card design, monogrammed collateral and personalized products for the relaunch of our new brand.
Corporate Business Cards | Designed by Julie Halloran and Lauren Wiernasz
Corporate Collateral and Personalized Products
Spearheaded by Karen Bedard, the Vistaprint voice played a huge role in our new brand. For our customers to see us as trusted and credible, we needed to engage with them on a human level, speaking to them in a tone of voice that rings true — whatever the context or medium. And by speaking through our four brand personality attributes - good-natured, practical, helpful and empowering.
Sample Headlines by Brand Personality Attributes | Copy Directed by Karen Bedard
Brand Manifesto | Copywriting by Karen Bedard
Through the purposeful use of color, humanizing ourselves with photography and introducing some compelling design elements, we continued to build our own unique visual language.

Custom Stencil Typeface
New Photography POV | Photography by Michael Piazza, Art Directed by Lauren Wiernasz
Overhauling our corporate website - from header to footer, iconography to photography, UI library to shopping cart experience, was the next step. It was a massive part of the rebrand, and there is a lot of credit to go around. But clearly, the web creative team, spearheaded by Dave Ball and Tom Nielsen, deserve the lion's share. Homepage Redesign | Lead Designers: Tom Giannini and Mike Cobb Tablet and Mobile Versions
Iconography | Designed by Dave Blank and Jon Decelles
The end result was a new brand image and voice that's simple, clear and direct, leaving our customers feeling informed, inspired and empowered. And maybe even with a smile. These few samples are a good representation of how all of the brand elements came together.
Brand Campaign | ACD Lauren Wiernasz, Art Director Talia Mangeym, Copywriter John Grillo
Sample Business Product Page and Direct Mail
Sample Direct Mail - front and back | Written by John Grillo, Designed by Amy Kunberger
Sample Display Banner | Art Directed by Talia Mangeym
Sample Responsive Email | Art Directed by Karen Kukta